Crap seduction/ ngegombal #2

let's crap again from kaskus again I quote from the person who called moderator galau hopefully can entertain friends all let foxes me a little bit easy to read

girl: love klo we broke up, about you is difficult not to forget me?
 Guys: is not the case that it is difficult for me to forget you girl: ko so, it's as easy as you forgotten me? :
sad Guys: yes easy to "say I can to forget you", but I would be hard to live a day without you and it is very difficult when I have to say I do not love you .. - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -
Guy: I think I'd be busy love
Girl: why?
Guy: I just got 2 same time you
Girls: whenever that?
 Guy: now and forever love
Girls: rag.
Guy: real say ih, are you angry?
Girl: not
Guy: love, even as gasoline prices continue to change, but my love for you will not change anyway, may unfortunately also do not change * Go * Girl:? - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -
 Guys: What difference you the same Internet?
 Girl: Do not know
Guys: if I make life easy internet, klo you make me a beautiful life
girl: love you in your papa ajarin keep ya rag?
Guy: no ah baby, Dad told me to make someone love and keep you kayaking
 Girls: Ich's darling. * Hug * Peyuuukkk - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -
co: do you know , except that you are as poisonous snakes ..
ce: do not know .... ?
 co: if a poisonous snake can paralyze a human, if you can paralyze the My heart .... -
ce: Mmm .. base your monkey,
co:  monkey?
ce: Yes, because you've hung the hearts of my ... hehehe
 co: akkkhhh can eneng wrote. ^ ^


Software Collection said...

mantab gan.. bahasa ingrisnya...
salam kenal gan yah.....

salam blogger...
semoga tambah maju blognya....

bramz said...

makasih gan, cuma dari google terjemah aja kok, di rubah dikit, thx udah mampir